About Us

About Us

Elmeasure is an industry leader in smart and sustainable energy management.

We specialise in helping businesses, industries and end users reduce their waste, decrease their carbon footprint and monitor and control their energy efficiency.

Our Beginnings

Elmeasure was founded in 2004 by a young and small team of entrepreneurs with a big vision — to build sustainable and innovative energy management solutions with a difference.

  • A different approach to product design that puts the user and their needs first.
  • A different company culture that empowers and equips every member of the team to excellence and growth.
  • A different commitment to society that gives back generously and leaves a unshakeable legacy.

Others may measure our success by our revenue or market penetration. We measure our success by our steadfast consistency to the vision we set out with at the beginning.

We only create what matters.

Our commitment to user-centric design and to creating a sustainable future are what drive us to only create what matters.

We design products and solutions that solve a clear user problem in a unique way.

We constantly learn from our clients across 25+ industries and create energy management solutions that serve them reliably and sustainably.

Elmeasure is wherever you are.

With 15,000+ clients across 50+ countries, Elmeasure’s products and solution have significant international reach.

Our regional sales offices in six countries enable us to serve clients from across the globe with our world-class expertise in energy management systems.

Leaving a legacy

Elmeasure exists for the benefit of society, both in contributing to a more sustainable future and in serving the underprivileged.

Our parent company runs an orphanage and school extending free and subsidised education to more than 500 underprivileged children. They also run a secondary school and a charitable hospital.

Our legacy will extend far beyond the products we’ve created and the clients we’ve served and into the lives of many we’ve touched through our social initiatives.


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